
Category - Cleanliness

AsSalamuAlaykum Once in the morning went i went to urine in the loo, after it while doing taharat, i realised happen to feel it to a sticky liquid as well, all though i am not sure was that Sperm or precum(transparent liquid), i mean i not sure if it any of these. honestly i dint see sperm as well Am i liable to take Obligatory Gusl??? as i was unsure about it i continued with my Namaz of day do i have to repeat them???? Please Help

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I seem to suffer from waswas quite alot – in many different forms (esp in areas of what is clean and unclean islamically). It is affecting me very greatly in my everyday life and prayer – to the fact I am obsessively cleaning constantly. My enquiry is regarding the subject of shoes in Islam. Are shoes which have been worn outside (unbeknown where they have passed) classed as unclean (napak)???? In my house all shoes are removed at the entrance hallway. If I were to walk over with bare feet or socks, in the area where shoe soles have touched or have been – Does this transfer and make my feet unclean?? If so, does this therefore transfer onto other floor area I have walked on?? Or any surface I have put my feet upon eg. sofa??? Also separately, can I ask the same question but with the difference of rain (making shoes wet) can this change the status of shoe (as I have read that only wetness transfers nagisat)? I know my question is very extreme but I wish to get answers on these to help me understand my faith more and stops these waswas ways over riding my life. I have done much research without any successs of getting an answer from the hanafi fiqh. Please could the questions be answered separately to avoid any confusing and any waswas making me feel unsure

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