Facilities and Emergency Repairs

We have 4 significant buildings of varying ages and condition, the 2 Masjids (MNI and MMI), Prospect Mill and Community Centre. As with any buildings, these will occasionally require emergency repairs, a recent example being a roof leak at MNI. Having monies available from donations to this fund will ensure we can address these issues promptly avoiding the risk of further damage and expense from potential delays As we aim to improve the environments for both education and religious activity, we have been investing in improvement of our facilities. From segregated classrooms for our younger ages to the temporary mill works to offer a space for Niyaz and our Youth Club, the investments we have been making could only have been possible through your support. There has also been several ad hoc expenses such as a Major Roof Leak at MNI Mosque, roof leak at the community centre, investments in better network facility and WiFi across the campus etc. We currently have a waiting list of children waiting to join our Madrassah. However we are limited in space. Until VISION2025 is completed, we need to invest in a temporary building adjoining the Mosque to cater for 5 additional classrooms starting in September 2022. There is a capital investment we need to also fund for this. We ask individuals to help support this area so that we are able to maintain repair investments as well as continuing to invest in our facilities.

How much would you like to donate?

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  1. Bank Transfer: 

Account Name: Masjid-e-Noorul Islam

Account Number: 20355560

Sort Code: 30-91-01

  1. Cheque

Please make cheque payable to ‘Masjid-e-Noorul Islam’

  1. Cash

Cash payments can be made in person to any Committee member or contact Nizam on  07415249087

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Donation Total

Donation Total: £100.00 One Time