
We have included several new events at the mosque to spiritually engage and uplift our attendees. Events such as our extremely popular ‘Shimmering Lights’ where parents and children all congregate to recite Durood every Sunday evening within an Arabic culture and environment, has had an extremely high turnout and fantastic reviews. It is changing the lives of many and we want to continue to attract many more. Our Ladies Burdah Nights has also proved extremely popular amongst the younger female generations. It is our intention to run such events and offer a better space on the enclosed, private glass roof top within the Light Community Hub for our sisters and mothers. Further, we have been arranging more structured events and inviting respectable scholars to share their wisdom and knowledge and to elevate us all. Whilst we are blessed with a large group of individuals and the public who spend their time and energy in organising and running these events, there are costs and expenses that we must fund to continue these events. We ask individuals to help support this area so that we are able to maintain and build on our events to allow engagement for all ages and gender to be connected to the mosque.

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  1. Bank Transfer: 

Account Name: Masjid-e-Noorul Islam

Account Number: 20355560

Sort Code: 30-91-01

  1. Cheque

Please make cheque payable to ‘Masjid-e-Noorul Islam’

  1. Cash

Cash payments can be made in person to any Committee member or contact Nizam on  07415249087

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Donation Total: £100.00 One Time